As you examine your professional goals moving into the new year it might be time to consider the impact of your brand and how professional lifestyle branding may be beneficial. As we closeout the current year and take inventory of all of the challenges and successes of 2023 this is a time of hopefulness. The start of a new calendar year brings with it fresh opportunities, continued growth, and prosperity. It’s a time to be intentional, present, and goal oriented.
How do you present yourself through your website and social media? Do the images you are currently using accurately reflect your brand? Do they create a strong brand identity that customers can easily relate to? Are they outdated or is it time for a refresh? Your images should highlight why you are kickass at your job and of course your fantastic personality…but more importantly they should tell your professional story in a way that feels authentic and empowering.
We will work together to ensure that we capture the essence of your brand. In our time together we will achieve headshots (collarbone-up), portraits (waist-up), possibly full body, and more casual images that help set the tone that you want your customers to feel. We will incorporate props, products, your branding colors, and anything else that you’d like to tie your name to your brand in these images. My goal with your headshots (collarbone-up) is to pull out your unique personality. We will pose, laugh, make smoldering gazes, and might even be a bit silly to get that perfect reaction. The result will be high quality professional images that are sure to impress.
Location options include downtown at my Spokane studio, on-location, or a mixture of both. We can discuss indoor and outdoor options as well to identify what will better suit your branding needs. On-location makeup is also available upon request as an add-on service for your professional lifestyle branding shoot.
Do you have ideas on how you’d like to elevate your brand to the next level? Reach out so we can chat about the details and how I can help! Check out pricing and other information via the link below!