Multiple wardrobe changes, flashing lights, strangers inquiring as they pass by, attention on only you for 2 hours, and smiling. Lots of smiling. Yeah I get it guys, having your senior photos taken probably isn’t the highlight of your summer. If you’re like most high school senior boys, you’re “only doing this for Mom.” While that is an EXCELLENT reason, lets at least enjoy your experience! Let me help you achieve high quality images that show off your personality and interests all while having a great time shooting them!
As a photographer who specializes in senior photos in Spokane, WA I excel at helping you enjoy your experience. I promise you its not as bad as you think, at least with me it is not!
Once you contact me to inquire about me being your photographer, I strongly suggest that we sit down for at least a half hour and discuss what you want out of them. I won’t let you tell me, “whatever Mom wants,” because while the photos may mainly be for Mom, it is you going through the experience and one day, you will want to look back at your high school senior photos and remember how you were during those years. We will discuss location ideas, props, activities, wardrobe and time of day. Again, I want you to enjoy your experience and love your final product…this process helps us do so!
I have to tell you, high school senior guys who show up to a session grim and skeptical that they will enjoy themselves are one of my favorite obstacles! 90% of the time I receive a huge smile and a “Thank you, I had fun” at the end of the session. That lets me know I’ve done my job 😀 The other 10% don’t have a pulse! 😉
Take a look at these boys senior photos to see how awesome yours can be!
114 West Pacific Ave #209
Spokane, WA 99201
Find me on Facebook to follow all of my most recent work!
High School Photo Pricing