Which location backdrops do you feel best compliment your personality? This is one of the first questions I ask my Spokane seniors when we meet to discuss their senior portrait experience. It is important to choose locations that our seniors feel most comfortable in. Some seniors don’t have much of an opinion, while others know exactly what they want. Consultations are great for pinpointing the locations, as is this blog about Location Ideas for Seniors.
The most popular location backdrops are downtown Spokane and nature. Downtown Spokane offers industrial textures, a feel of city life, and independence. Spokane’s nature backdrops offer fields of grass, water, flowers, trees and balance.
Being a senior portrait photographer in Spokane since 2010, I have come across a multitude of unique location backdrops. I definitely have grown to love my favorites because I know where the sun will hit at a specific time of day. I know which colors and outfits work best in each scene, and I know which time of day I prefer to shoot in each location.
When downtown Spokane is one of our multiple location senior sessions, I typically begin our session there. On sunny days I like to stay in the shade of the tall buildings and work in the alleyways. As the sun sets lower into the sky, we move to the water and open fields.
Grace booked a 3-location Senior Session. She knew that she wanted a wide variety of location backdrops for her senior portraits (I think she was also persuaded by the included hair and makeup!). She knew she wanted an urban feel, a field, a bridge and a body of water. But she didn’t want just any water location. She wanted a calm and serene feel to her water (opposed to a beach scene or river rock).
If you’re trying to decide between one, two or three locations for your senior session I can help! Prepare by finding photos that show settings that you’re interested in and I can tell you how many locations we would need to achieve your goals.

To book your 2022 senior summer session, shoot me an email! crystal@crystalmadsen.com