The question is presented to me weekly: “What is your favorite type of photography to shoot?” Hands down, it has become boudoir. Weddings are phenomenal because the emotion captured is unmatched. High school seniors are fun because there is no stress and I get to connect to the young people. But boudoir…there’s magic and power with boudoir.
Watching women review their photos on the back of my camera and hearing time and time again, “What!?!? That’s me?!?! No way! I’m hot…I look like the women on your Instagram feed,” fills me with pride and gratitude. Possessing the ability to show women how truly sexy they are is one of the most powerful feelings I have ever experienced. Given the trust and opportunity to do so, is honestly an honor.
2019 presented itself with all shapes, sizes, skin types, hair lengths, lingerie choices, confidence levels and reasons “why” in the boudoir studio. Choosing 10 favorites out of literally thousands of delivered sexy boudoir images would be impossible. Fortunately, only a handful of women sign model releases that allow me to use their recognizable images for marketing purposes. I ONLY use the word fortunately because it helped me narrow down my options! A fist pump probably happens each time I receive a signed release form because I want to share ALL of my sexy sessions.
These top 10 boudoir images made the list for many reasons. Some are my favorite poses and lingerie pieces. Others are considered my best because of the lighting or angles. And some are just simply sizzling hot. Thank you to my clients who gave me permission to use your photos to help grow my business. Becoming Spokane’s premier boudoir photographer is not possible without community support.
Always Sexy. Always Classy. Always Beautiful.

Ladies, join us in our Ladies Only Facebook group for more intimate photos not shared with the general public!